The world we live in seems to be evolving at such a fast pace these days–it’s hard to keep up. Do you find that to be true as well? The proliferation of technology advances and social media is mind boggling. And in the writing life–well, blink and you’ve missed so much.
I just didn’t have the heart for writing during the year after my sweet mom passed away, and during that time so much was happening with Facebook, Twitter and the still-growing array of other social media. By the time I got back in the saddle writing-wise, I was hopelessly behind and befuddled. I’d become newly aware of one thing and suddenly there were two more on the horizon!
In the meantime, the publishing world was rocked by the explosion of e-books that were taking off….and the way writers and readers connect is evolving as well. I’ve been trying to catch up ever since. You probably have known about memes for ages. I just learned about them–and what to do with them–couple weeks ago! Here’s one of mine–it’s rather like a online business card.
My super-patient webpage designer guided me into the latest wave of web page design a few years ago, but already, styles and content have changed, So, she and I have spent the last couple weeks talking about another revamp, then experimenting with ideas. And now, my website has been freshened up and revised. I would love to hear your comments and suggestions!
So…what do you think of technology today? Honestly, I never imagined seeing entire families eating out…but instead of conversing, each with the bright screen of a smart phone capturing their complete attention!